FML, I had written up a lengthy blog post before the weekend about my trip to Canada in February, but try to find the file now to add the finishing touches and post and it appears to have vanished into thin air. I am going to do a much shorter round up of the trip as if i don't do it ill just get way too far behind again with so much happening in the coming months and my blog will once again remain dormant for 6 months +
So here goes, me and Dave Jones flew to niagra to meet up with Nicky Evans and Tom Middleton to play the fallsview series of poker tournaments, )$1k, $2.5k and $5k. On a personal note the three tournaments for me were a washout with one semi deep run in the $5k before getting coolered late on day 1, blah
The story of the trip was how my friends absolutely bashed it up and for me the next best thing to winning is seeing my friends do well so in that respect it was a resounding success!! Dave Jones got the ball rolling with a 3rd place finish the in the $1k for $40k and was unlucky the tournament was designed with a joke top heavy payout structure for PR purposes that he didn't get more ( 2nd was $75k and 1st was $150k)
Next up in the $2.5k, Nicky Evans finally got what he deserved after lots of near misses in the past by chopping this comp but going on to get the official win for mad bean, oioi

Drinking heavily also became a reoccurring theme of this trip and that continued as me, nick and Dave travelled to where he is living currently in moncton via Toronto and Montreal stopping 1 night in each. I went to watch my first ever ice hockey game in Montreal and thought the atmosphere was pretty sick and despite not fully understanding the rules, really enjoyed the experience..

In order to get to Montreal to moncton we had a 45 min flight, or in our case since nick is a little girl a 15 hour train dfghjdfghjkgh. In all fairness it wasn't that bad as we shelled out for sleeper cabins that were quite cool and did sleep a lot of the way due to been exhausted from 10 days of drinking/celebrating!
We stayed with nick and his fiance Barbara for around 10 days or so and they were fabulous hosts. We mainly grinded online as the weather there was pretty restrictive, deep snow and -15 degrees, I ain't built for that shit! Online in general has gone pretty well for me with no real massive scores but consistently winning to keep my stress levels at a minimum.
Since returning home I am very happy to announce that I signed a sponsorship deal with bet24 which is a skin on the ongame network and I will be found playing there under the alias of B24Foltyn. I will be representing them online and in live tournaments around the world, the next of which is the huge UKIPT Nottingham starting on Wednesday with a sick £1m guarantee!!
Right, I'm gonna leave it there for now, will have another blog coming up soon about my trip to the Irish open which was so much fun as well as report on the UKIPT. Lots of stuff to look forward too soon with the SCOOP starting in may and then 5 days after that finished I'm heading to Vegas for the WSOP! thanks for reading