Despite the less than stellar preperation I was going along comfortably in the main without a lot of incident and then all of a sudden I was out. Pretty standard exit really, guy opens in LP to 900 at 150/300 -25 and the button flats, I make it 3k from the SB with AK playing about 32k total. Both guys call and the flop is KT4 two clubs, i check as does original raiser and now the button bets 8k and I jam for my 30k. Original raiser passes and button now tanks for about 1 min before calling with KQ clubs, turn club, gg PCA.
If anyone was in doubt about how good moorman runs then look no further as his horse, ty reiman (puffinmypurp/gimmeda1time), finished 2nd in the main event for a cheeky $1.7m with moorman getting half.... Celebrations followed for the next few days and I manged to stay out of hospital which was a bonus. The weather was pretty shitty really and inbetween hospital/drinking/poker only managed one afternoon on the water slides so that was a little disapoointing.
I managed to ship the Full tilt $1k monday yesterday for my biggest online score, :-). The tournament panned out really well for me with a lot of strong players busting 50th-18th leaving the final two tables pretty weak. I won a decent size flip with AQ vs TT and then bust mr menlo with AK > AQ to get a stack and then chipped up really easy when it was short handed before the final. The final was really smooth, I hardly got 3bet, all my light 3bets got through and both 4bets were met with swift folds so near enough coasted to Heads up. At the start of heads up it was pretty even and not a lot happened, I had a feeling that the first time I 3bet his button open he would 4 bet me and that is exactly what went down. I responded by 5bet jamming my J4 clubs and running into TT, J on the turn soon sorts that out though, lol. After that hand I had a commanding chip lead and we got all in again on a AK9 flop with me holding A2 and him AT, bit of a cold deck HU when he is short but nothing a 2 on the turn wouldn't solve bink!
I am playing the Aussie millions main event next week so hoping the online run good transitions to live.... After that I am going to be living in Melbourne for a couple of months, enjoying the weather and grinding online with moorman/geeforce/allinsteve. Btw if you haven't tried rushpoker on full tilt yet do it, great fun!