OK, not really played that much poker since getting back to the UK since i had some family commitments as well as catching up with friends etc.. Did manage to play last Sunday and was looking at a pretty dismal session until the $200 rebuy came to the rescue and i earned $27k for finishing 2nd. This result was enough to see me jump above moorman for the UK number 1 spot on pocketfives, :-) The lead however is uber small and we will both be putting in a ton of volume until the ftops is over so whoever runs best in that period will have the spot for a while. A team PLB bet has been organised on pocketfives for 1st-11th of November and features a lot of high stakes regulars and should be a lot of fun. You can read more about it here:
After donating a % of my winnings to charity over the wcoop period it made me feel really good about myself so have decided to do it again for the ftops period. I will work it the same as last time, $100 for every final table appearance and 5% of the payout for any tournament i manage to take down. Last time i ran super hot and ended up with a healthy total of $6600 going to charity so topping that might be hard but ill give it a go and see what happens. I will decide what charities and how to split the money at a later date...
Once this intense period of online play is over I plan to cram in quite a few live events before christmas including EPT's in Portugal and Prague, the GUKPT grand final, Stars UK tour event in galway and possibly the DTD monte carlo £1k event. After new year the plan is to play PCA in bahamas followed by the long journey to australia for the aussie millions then after that who knows............